Helenium Show filters Hide filters Catalog Wholesale Growers (10) Clear selection (1) Singular Unit Bare Root (10) Clear selection Bloom Height 20" / 50 cm (6) 36" / 90 cm (4) Clear selection Light Requirements Sun (10) Clear selection Bloom Time Late Summer to Early Fall (10) Clear selection Size I (10) Clear selection Packaged in 25 (5) 150 (2) 400 (3) Clear selection Zone 3 (10) 4 (10) 5 (10) 6 (10) 7 (10) 8 (10) More Clear selection Uses Cut Flower Deer Resistant (10) Clear selection Shipping Time Frame Spring (10) Clear selection $ - Clear selection 1 - 10 of 10 productsItems per page1224364860Sort byName ascendingName descendingPrice ascendingPrice descendingOffersPopularity Choose display: Helenium Bandera PBR | 25 pceRed flowering flowers, later tiny golden yellow edges. Compact grower, excellent for border, cut-flower and container use.Currently not available starting from $ 52.00WishlistMore info I 25 Helenium Bandera PBR | 400 pceRed flowering flowers, later tiny golden yellow edges. Compact grower, excellent for border, cut-flower and container use.Currently not available starting from $ 592.00WishlistMore info I 400 Helenium Fuego PBR | 25 pceCompact growing Helenium, excellent for container culture. Red flowers, edged yellow. Flowers from mid-summer until early fall.Currently not available starting from $ 52.00WishlistMore info I 25 Helenium Fuego PBR | 400 pceCompact growing Helenium, excellent for container culture. Red flowers, edged yellow. Flowers from mid-summer until early fall.Currently not available starting from $ 592.00WishlistMore info I 400 Helenium Moerheim Beauty | 150 pceBronze-reddish flowers, light green foliage. Flowers are held on strong sturdy stems. USA Native.Currently not available starting from $ 282.00WishlistMore info I 150 Helenium Moerheim Beauty | 25 pceBronze-reddish flowers, light green foliage. Flowers are held on strong sturdy stems. USA Native.Currently not available starting from $ 57.00WishlistMore info I 25 Helenium Potter's Wheel | 150 pceDark red flowers, edged contrasting yellow.Currently not available starting from $ 231.00WishlistMore info I 150 Helenium Potter's Wheel | 25 pceDark red flowers, edged contrasting yellow.Currently not available starting from $ 46.50WishlistMore info I 25 Helenium Sombrero | 25 pceBright yellow cone, beautiful contrast with the dark green foliage. Flowers from mid-summer until early fall.Currently not available starting from $ 52.00WishlistMore info I 25 Helenium Sombrero | 400 pceBright yellow cone, beautiful contrast with the dark green foliage. Flowers from mid-summer until early fall.Currently not available starting from $ 592.00WishlistMore info I 400